Formed Families Forward
The month of September is National Kinship Care Month, and in honor of this we want to spotlight an organization in Northern Virginia doing great work to support kinship families and caregivers in our community! Formed Families Forward is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting foster, kinship, and adoptive families of children and youth with disabilities and special needs. Their mission is “to improve developmental, educational, social, emotional, and post-secondary outcomes for children and youth with disabilities through the provision of information, training, and support to adoptive and foster parents, and kinship caregivers.”
FFF recognizes that families formed by foster care, kinship care, and adoption, especially those raising children with special needs, face unique challenges, and they are committed to helping families find and navigate services in Northern Virginia. Formed Families Forward maintains a dedicated webpage of kinship resources, including fact sheets on the rights and responsibilities of kinship caregivers and information about educational services and resources available to kinship families.
To view information about resources and services and to learn more about this great organization, visit the link below.