Fairfax CASA Success Story

In February 2022, Fairfax CASA received an Emergency Removal Order (ERO) case involving a 12-year-old boy alleging physical neglect. The affidavit contained allegations that the child was left unsupervised in a hotel room for days at a time, the room and beds were filled with trash, food, and dishes. There was a strong odor coming from the room, and the child had not been regularly attending school. The child’s mother struggled with substance use and had a long history with Child Protective Services (CPS) and the Fairfax County Police. The child’s father, who at the time did not have regular contact with his son, asked to be considered for placement; however, he had a number of challenges to overcome including a substance use disorder and housing insecurity. 

Over the course of two years, the child’s father, who resides in Maryland, secured employment, housing, and successfully completed all court-ordered services. In October 2023, the child was placed with his father for a trial home placement. The CASA continued to visit the child regularly after his move from the foster home in Prince William County to the father’s home near Baltimore, MD. According to the CASA, the child thrived in his father’s home and made a smooth transition to a new neighborhood and school. The CASA reported that the father and son have an affectionate, loving, protective, and respectful bond, and enjoy watching sports together and talking about music.  In April 2024, the Court granted legal custody to the father and closed the case.