Facial Fuzz for Fairfax CASA Raises Over $10,000

This year, Fairfax CASA launched a new fundraising campaign to raise much needed funds.   Facial Fuzz for Fairfax CASA (FF4FC), recruited “growers”—or participants—who pledged to grow facial hair for one month on behalf of Fairfax CASA. Along the way, the participants garnered donations in support of their growing efforts. In its inaugural year, there were 10 growers who took part in the fundraiser. The growers consisted of CASA volunteers and supporters of our cause.

To kick off the growing season, we met up with our growers at High Side in downtown Fairfax. Members were just beginning their facial fuzz journey, notable by the subtle stubble on their faces. Together, growers exchanged exfoliating tips and compared their beards and ‘staches. At the halfway mark, growers posted their facial hair growth progression to their social media and campaign pages.

At the end of the month, we celebrated the participants’ month-long growing journey by hosting a final bash at Kelly’s Oyster House and Bar. The event was a celebration of the growers’ commitment and a chance to show off their full beards and mustaches. We enjoyed delicious food, refreshing drinks, and great company as we announced that we raised over $10,000 with the FF4FC campaign.

We are so grateful to our growers and everyone who contributed to the campaign. Their dedication and the community’s support made it a memorable and successful fundraiser!  Stay tuned for information on next year’s growing season!