Fiona’s Adoption Success Story

Baby Fiona* entered foster care after testing positive for cocaine at birth. It was reported that her biological mother did not receive any prenatal care and was struggling with substance abuse issues. After spending a few weeks in a non-relative foster home, Fiona moved into the home of her maternal aunt who became a foster parent. According to the CASA, Fiona thrived in her care and was also cared for part-time by her maternal grandmother. The CASA advocated for early intervention and Fiona was found eligible for occupational therapy (OT) through the Infant Toddler Connection Program. She continues to have OT twice monthly for gross motor delays and is making good progress through therapy. Fiona has also started to attend daycare two days per week. She is a very happy and healthy toddler. Fiona’s biological mother signed an Entrustment Agreement that will allow for her maternal aunt to move forward with adoption to provide Fiona with a stable forever home. The CASA was able to maintain her visits throughout the COVID-19 health emergency and has seen Fiona thrive in her relative placement. Fiona’s adoption should be finalized soon and she will continue to have a deep connection to her biological family.

*Name changed to protect confidentiality